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Consider that the main character is PS3 Controller a Native American in the Revolution era. He would have plenty of reason for going after British and Colonists alike. In this title, Connor does. I am actually really impressed by the level of nuance taken by the script writers and developers. I had some PS3 cable sincere doubts when I first played the original back in 2008 (I was a little late to get my copy, so sue me).As far as narrative and gameplay go, I was surprised. Players coming in expecting to be charmed by a Revolution-Era ‘Ezio’ or wowed by future version of Altair will be disappointed. Connor is nothing like either of the past ancestors of PS3 batteries Desmond Miles, and without spoiling, Connor is not the only Assassin you play in this game.Meanwhile, this game gives a level of freedom that is fantastic. Last year’s Skyrim made sure the scenery never got boring. Assassin’s Creed 3 offers a rich environment with much to do even as you go exploring. And unlike Skyrim a giant or dragon will not come out of nowhere to derail what you were doing! While not everything in AC3 gels together cohesively, there exists a competent level of ambition that cannot help but be respected.At times, the frame rate will suddenly DROP. Loading times on the PS3 are above the 1st standard PS3 cases deviation averages. The ‘fog’ in New York City reminds me of the ‘fog’ in Superman 64, speaking of something that was done in a rather lazy manner. Are these negatives? Sure. The penalty is low, but I am mentioning these because I would be reckless if I did not attempt a little balance in my review.Combat has jumped by leaps and bounds. Free running is expanded as well. There are more cut-scenes that can use tomahawks, axes and swords; meanwhile beasts are as much a threat as man. Stealth is far more rewarding in this title than in previous titles. I felt like I was re-living parts of Metal Gear Solid 4 with how methodical I needed to be with the espionage portion of gameplay.While there is no ‘one way’ to play Assassin’s Creed 3, I highly recommend doing side-missions on the occasional basis. Like the original, if the player strictly stays with the story, they will have a quick play-time, but will miss how much detail was put into the game. 745TDBanty 130131 If there was one game I gave some consideration towards owning an Xbox360 for, this was the game. So, when in late 2010 it was announced Mass Effect 2 was gaining a release on the PS3 console in early 2011, upon lapse of the one-year exclusivity it held with the former console, I was truly overjoyed.
Having spent 35 hours completing the entire story, including the multi-part DLC missions, I can safely state this is one of the greatest video games of all time!

Sheppard (in my play-thru as a female commanding officer), embarks on recruiting old and new allies to face a greater enemy. The game-play is multiple layered. Often a third-person shooting, mixed in with RPG dialogue paths and character upgrading. There are also planet exploration and sections of vehicle flying. This game has it all!
Thie PS3 version incorporates several DLC missions, which greatly helps enrich the entire experience. In fact, I didn’t realize until 30 hours into the game, that some of the missions was these DLC parts, such is their seamless integration. Also, I was going to state that one mission is among the greatest levels of any game, until I later realized it was one of the DLC missions. That mission is Overlord and is truly outstanding!
A few TRULY minor flaws do not detract from the game. The occasional freezing bug is just a good reminder to save game as often as possible.
From opening sequence to the exhausting finale, this is an exhilarating gaming experience. The complete package = perfect game-play, awesome story, video/audio executed beautifully. Highly recommend!